Semua berita seputar kampus IPB (unofficial)

Web Masih Lemot ?

Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

This is a first articel in with english language, oke dude..
this time i want invite you and describe my experience in pare, if you know pare it's amazing education for you.
pare is city famous with english student.
we have many experience here, about life and about all.
so hard, so exhausted.
if know expect in pare you can directly talking english, you wrong !!!
in pare you must, talking english everyday. if you not talking you get punishment from mr.punishment in camp and is carazy everyday.
and i tell you about screet , you can talk english:
because you get used every day . JUST DO IT FOR CAN GOOD TALKING ENGLISH LANGUAGE !
im sorry if articel not good grammar, because i nubie :D 

Bagi yang mau kirim-kirim salam atau idemu, jangan lupa kirimin ke sini. Hubungi kami

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